Please use this form to tell us more about yourself so that we can let you know more about The National Horseracing College. 

Please ensure that the email address you enter does not start with a Capital (Upper Case) letter as this can cause the system to decline the enquiry  E.g use cleverclogs@gmail.com and not Cleverclogs@gmail.com

Please note fields marked with a * indicate fields which are mandatory.

The National Horseracing College is aware of its obligations under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and is committed to processing your data securely and transparently. Please see our full Privacy Notice which sets out, in line with GDPR, the types of data that we collect and hold on you as a student. The information collected on this form will not be released for any form of commercial gain and will be maintained in a secure location pursuant to the requirement of our privacy policy which can be found on our website at https://www.thenhc.co.uk/important-information/policies-and-statements/